Skin 101

Vitalogy Recent Posts

BOTOX at Different Ages: Getting it in Your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s

botox in your 20s and laterCurious about BOTOX in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s? Get the scoop on how you can use it best at different ages from an expert at Vitalogy Skincare.

3 BOTOX Tips Straight from an Expert

BOTOX tipsCurious about BOTOX Cosmetic? Get some of your most common BOTOX questions answered by a skilled expert at Vitalogy Skincare.

Skin Care Guide by Decade: How to Care for Your Skin at Any Age

skin care guide by decadeCheck out this complete skin care guide for your 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and beyond from Vitalogy Skincare so you can take care of your skin at any age!

Help Us Welcome Dr. Kim Phillips – Vitalogy Skincare’s Newest Provider!

dr kim phillips mdPlease join us in giving a warm Central Texas welcome to Kim Phillips, MD, a Fellowship-Trained Mohs Surgeon and Board-Certified Dermatologist who has treated over 125,000 patients with skin cancer.

Are Sunscreens Bad? The Real Truth About Them

sunscreensAll sunscreens aren’t created equal. You may have heard media coverage on different ingredients in sunscreens that are getting extra scrutiny and even some places where certain sunscreens are now banned. Learn more here.

4 Tips to Keep Your Aging Skin Healthy

aging skin tipsAging skin can sag or thin out and you will likely develop more wrinkles or fine lines. So how can you care for your skin and help it age gracefully? Read more for tips to help your skin stay healthy at any age.

The 411 on Laser Hair Removal

laser hair removalLaser hair removal is a popular procedure for men and women, but there are some common misconceptions about it. Vitalogy Skincare’s own Laini Moman, a Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional shares the facts with you so you can understand the benefits and dispel any myths.

5 Tips on Skin Care for Kids from the Experts

skin care for kidsLooking for tips on skin care for kids to help protect your little ones? Read here about what to do from Vitalogy Skincare’s Dr. Gee.

When Should I Get BBL and Other Skin Care Treatments?

getting-BBL-skin-care-treatmentsTaking care of your skin is an everyday necessity. If you’re interested in or are currently getting any skin treatments, here are some tips on when and how often to get them: Taking care of your skin is an everyday necessity. If you’re interested in, or are currently getting any skin treatments, here are some […]

Skin Cancer Awareness: People of Color

people-of-color-skin-cancer-protectionThere are two dangerous myths floating around: first, that people of color can’t get skin cancer and second, that if you have darker skin then you don’t need to wear sunscreen. These are both false, so your Vitalogy Skincare Dermatologists help explain the truth about people of color and their skin.