Laser hair removal is a popular procedure for men and women, but there are some common misconceptions about it. Vitalogy Skincare’s own Laini Moman, a Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional shares the facts with you so you can understand the benefits and dispel any myths.
Moman shares, “I often hear patients with darker skin say they heard laser hair removal won’t work on their skin. But that is absolutely not true!” Any skin type can be treated with the proper laser.
At Vitalogy Skincare we treat unwanted hair with the most up to date equipment and lasers which can be used on all skin types.
Many people are nervous to get the procedure because they think it hurts. The reality is that laser technology has come a long way and is much more tolerable than it was years ago. Vitalogy Skincare can also provide patients with a topical numbing agent if desired. Most patients are pleasantly surprised to find out how comfortable it is after their first session.
One benefit of laser hair removal is that you can get back to your ‘to do’ list very quickly. Moman explains, “With the exception of a few things to avoid, there is virtually no downtime and most people can resume normal activity that day.” It offers less pain and is much faster than other methods like electrolysis. It also offers permanent results that can’t be matched with waxing or threading.
Lasers need a target in order to be effective. With laser hair removal, the target is pigment. Therefore, only hair with a darker color such as brown or black will be seen. Although laser cannot treat the lighter hairs, there are other modalities such as electrolysis that can be used.
The best results from laser hair removal usually require a minimum of six sessions for long term hair removal. The hairs will casually fall out of the follicle in about a week and then will slowly grow back finer and thinner.
Like other cosmetic procedures, you don’t want to trust just anyone with your skin. Vitalogy Skincare offers multiple lasers and wavelengths that treat unwanted hair. Safety is very important as lasers can cause an adverse reaction if not performed by a skilled professional or chosen correctly. (Read more here: Why Should You Get Cosmetic Treatments at a Medical Practice?)
At Vitalogy Skincare our highly trained and licensed Aestheticians can help guide and treat you with the most effective and FDA approved lasers.
If you’re interested in laser hair removal, your best bet is to meet with a Licensed Skin Care Provider to see what options might work best for you.