Laser & Light Treatments

Laser & Light Treatments in Austin

Laser and Light Therapy Treatments are non-invasive procedures that use light or laser energy to regenerate and repair damaged skin.

These skin treatments offer sources of high intensity light that is accurately focused on small spots of concern in the skin with high energy. Laser and light treatments continue to show success in treating wrinkles, scars, and skin blemishes. Some of these treatments also have the ability to correct and treat blood vessels and pigmentation concerns.

Your Greater Austin area Vitalogy Medical Spa Aesthetician will review your medical history to determine any underlying conditions that may impact your specific recommendations and determine a treatment plan that is specific to your skin care goals and desired results.
  • Photorejuvenation: Photorejuvenation, also known as Forever Young BBL™ or photofacials, allows you to precisely treat brown and red pigmentation caused by sun damage and aging skin. This skin treatment can reduce the flushing of rosacea, and it can be used on the face, neck, chest and hands. Learn more about Photorejuvenation here.
  • Skin Tightening: Our skin tightening treatment utilizes infrared energy to create renewed collagen leading to increased skin firmness. All areas of the body can be treated, and patients experience no downtime. Learn more about Skin Tightening here.
  • Laser Vein Treatment: When the veins are small and close to the skin’s surface, laser vein removal is often the most effective treatment. Some vessels may show visible disappearance immediately while other destroyed vessel’s response may be less visible or lighter in appearance. Learn more about Laser Vein Treatment here.
  • Laser Hair Removal: Laser hair removal is a safe, effective, and convenient alternative to other methods including shaving, waxing, plucking or electrolysis. People with all skin tones and hair types will benefit from some amount of delayed hair regrowth for up to six months after only one treatment, however multiple treatments are usually needed to remove all hair from each area. Learn more about Laser Hair Removal here.