What to do if You Have Sun Damaged Skin

sun damaged skin

In today’s world, we hear lots about sunscreen and caring for our skin. But, in the past, we may not have all given our skin the love and reapplication of sunscreen it needs.

So, what if you already have sun damaged skin? Our skin care experts tell us what you can do about that:

1.   Begin or Continue Photoprotection

Photoprotection refers to taking measures to reduce exposure to the sun. It’s critical that you don’t continue to harm your already sun damaged skin. Sunscreens are one method of photoprotection.

Wearing sunscreen (and reapplying every couple of hours) is important to keep your skin protected. It’s also a good idea to spend time outdoors in shaded areas and avoid direct sunlight in the afternoon when the sun’s rays are harshest. You can also wear clothing with UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) protection and hats to help protect your head and skin.

2.   Add Retinoids and Vitamin C to Your Skin Care Regimen

Vitalogy Skincare’s Kim Phillips, MD explains, “Anyone with sun damaged skin should begin a skincare regimen that includes retinoids and Vitamin C.”

“In addition to retinoids and Vitamin C, you should choose products with alpha-hydroxy acid, beta-hydroxy acid, glycolic acid, antioxidants, and peptides,” Phillips adds. Some of our favorite products include SkinCeuticals Retinol 0.5 night cream and Revision Skincare Retinol Complete.

Learn more about skin care routines from the experts here.

3.   Consider Cosmetic Treatments for Sun Damaged Skin

There are several cosmetic treatments that may help sun damaged skin including chemical peels, photorejuvenation (Sciton® BroadBand Light™ Phototherapy), microdermabrasion, intense pulsed light, non-ablative fractional resurfacing, or ablative fractional resurfacing.

4.   Treat Those Wrinkles and Discoloration

Treating sun damaged skin means treating wrinkles, red discoloration, and brown discoloration. In addition to the cosmetic treatments mentioned above, you may be able to help reduce wrinkles with injectables like BOTOX® Cosmetic and laser treatments.

5.   Get Your Regular Skin Exams

And beyond aesthetic concerns, a friendly reminder to keep an eye on your skin health by doing self skin exams and working with your Skin Care Provider. Regularly track any potential issues and changes. An annual skin exam with your Provider is critically important for everyone.

You can make an appointment to speak with an experienced Skin Care Provider about your skin, any existing sun damage you want to address, possible treatments to consider, customizing a skin care regimen, and about your annual skin exam.