Skin 101

Skin Cancer & Mohs Surgery Recent Posts

Something You Do Every Day May Be Putting You at Risk for Skin Cancer

skin cancer on left armThe increasing time Americans spend in their cars can negatively impact your skin, increase sun exposure, and potentially increased instances of skin cancer. Learn how from a firsthand story from one of our Vitalogy Skincare team members.

Skin Cancer Awareness: People of Color

people-of-color-skin-cancer-protectionThere are two dangerous myths floating around: first, that people of color can’t get skin cancer and second, that if you have darker skin then you don’t need to wear sunscreen. These are both false, so your Vitalogy Skincare Dermatologists help explain the truth about people of color and their skin.

Mohs Surgery: How is it Different From Other Skin Cancer Treatments?

mohs surgery vitalogy skincare austin txMohs Surgery is considered the gold standard in skin cancer treatment, offering a high cure rate and other unique benefits. You may have heard Real Housewives, NASCAR drivers, and even the Kardashians talk about Mohs in the last couple of years. Here's the quick answer. Mohs Micrographic Surgery is a specialized technique for the microscopically controlled removal of problem skin cancers.