Renew your hands and neck for a more youthful appearance.

For the next 24 hours, purchase our targeted light treatment for hands and neck for only $199, a savings of over $300.

Renew your hands and neck for a more youthful appearance with Sciton® BroadBand Light™ treatment.

We can sometimes focus so much on our face that we may tend to forget two areas that all-too-often reveal the signs of sun damage and aging with brutal honesty. BroadBand Light™ for the hands and neck targets red and brown pigmentation to help reduce the appearance of vascular redness and age spots in these areas for a more even-toned, youthful glow.

*Special runs Thursday, November 26, through Friday, November 27. One Redemption per patient. Complimentary consultations are required to ensure that BroadBand Light™ is right for you prior to treatment and must be scheduled by or before November 30, 2020.